2023年加入开元999棋app下载功率半导体研究团队,有着近十年海外留学工作经历,专注新型半导体材料与器件的研究。主要研究方向包括宽禁带半导体、金属氧化物、薄膜晶体管、微纳器件制造与测试。在金属氧化物薄膜晶体管领域中取得了一些指标性成果,研制出目前国际最高电学性能的TiO2薄膜晶体管和InGaO薄膜晶体管,研究成果处于世界先进水平,发表SCI论文25篇,其中以第一作者发表SCI论文8篇,包括微电子领域顶级期刊 IEEE Electron Device Letters(3篇)、IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices、Applied Physics Letters、Applied Physics Express等杂志。参与并报告国际会议近二十篇,包括微电子领域顶级会议International Electron Devices Meeting、International VLSI Symposium on Technology, Systems and Applications、Electron Devices Technology and Manufacturing、Device Research Conference等,其中以第一作者身份作会议报告11篇。
2011-09 至 2015-06, 开元999棋app下载, 微电子学, 学士
2015-09 至 2022-02, 美国特拉华大学, 电磁学与光子学, 博士
2022-02 至 2023-01, 美国普渡大学,电子工程系,博士后
(1)2023-03 至今, 电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)及电子元件分会(IEEE Electron Devices Society)会员(Member)
(2)2020-09 至 2022-09,电气与电子工程师协会(IEEE)及电子元件分会(IEEE Electron Devices Society)学生会员(Student Member)
(1)2020-06,美国特拉华大学博士生奖学金(University of Delaware Doctoral Fellowship);
(2)2019-05,美国特拉华大学电子工程系电子学与光子学最佳研究奖(The nanoelectronics, electromagnetics and photonics award, UD ECE Research Day);
(3)2019-05、2017-05(两次),美国特拉华大学班尼特奖学金(Bendett Fellowship);
(4)2019-05、2018-05(两次),美国特拉华大学专业发展奖(Professional Development Award);
(5)2018-07,美国特拉华大学夏季博士生奖学金(Summer Doctoral Fellowship);
[1] J Zhang, D Zheng, Z Zhang, A Charnas, Z Lin and P. D. Ye, "Ultrathin InGaO Thin Film Transistors by Atomic Layer Deposition," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 44, no. 2, pp. 273-276, Feb. 2023
[2] J Zhang, A Charnas, Z Lin, D Zheng, Z Zhang, P Liao, D Zemlyanov, and P. D. Ye, “Fluorine-passivated In2O3 Thin Film Transistors with Improved Electrical Performance via Low-Temperature CF4/N2O Plasma,” Applied Physics Letters, 121, 172101, 2022.
[3] J Zhang, M Jia, M Sales, Y Zhao, G Lin, P Cui, C Santiwipharat, C Ni, S McDonnell, Y Zeng, “Impact of ZrO2 dielectrics thickness on electrical performance of TiO2 thin film transistors with sub-2 V operation," ACS Applied Electronic Materials, 3, 12, 5483-5495, 2021.
[4] J Zhang, Y Zhang, P Cui, G Lin, C Ni and Y Zeng, "One-volt TiO2 Thin Film Transistors with Low-Temperature Process," IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 42, no. 4, pp. 521-524, April 2021.
[5] J Zhang, G Lin, P Cui, M Jia, Z Li, L Gundlach, Y Zeng, “Enhancement/Depletion Mode TiO2 Thin Film Transistors via O2/N2 Pre-annealing,” IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, vol. 67, no. 6, pp. 2346-2351, June 2020.
[6] J Zhang, M. Sales, G Lin, P Cui, P Pepin, J Vohs, S McDonnell, Y Zeng, “Ultrathin-Body TiO2 Thin Film Transistors With Record On-Current Density, ON/OFF Current Ratio, and Subthreshold Swing via O2 Annealing,” IEEE Electron Device Letters, vol. 40, no. 9, pp. 1463-1466, Sept. 2019.
[7] J Zhang, P Cui, G Lin, Y Zhang, M Sales, M Jia, Z Li, C Goodwin, T Beebe, L Gundlach, C Ni, S McDonnell, Y Zeng, “High Performance Anatase-TiO2 Thin Film Transistors with two-step oxidized TiO2 Channel and Plasma Enhanced Atomic Layer-Deposited ZrO2 Gate Dielectric,” Appl. Phys. Express 12 096502, July 2019.
[8] J Zhang, K Shariar, G Lin, P Cui, Y Zeng, “Hydrogen silsesquioxane (HSQ) etching resistance dependence on substrate during dry etching,” Physica Status Solidi A,1800530(1)-1800530(5), 2018.
[9] J Zhang, Z Zhang, Z Lin, D Zheng, and P. D. Ye, “Ultra-thin atomic-layer-deposited InGaZnO thin film transistors with Back-End-of-Line Compatibility” IEEE Electron Device Technology and Manufacturing Conference, March 7-10, 2023.
[10] J Zhang, Z Zhang, Z Lin, D Zheng, and P. D. Ye, “Ultra-thin atomic-layer-deposited InGaZnO thin film transistors with Back-End-of-Line Compatibility” IEEE Electron Device Technology and Manufacturing Conference, March 7-10, 2023.
[11] Z Zhang, Z Lin, A Charnas, H Dou, Z Shang, J Zhang, M Si, H Wang, M. A. Alam and P. D. Ye, “Reliability of Atomic-Layer-Deposited Gate-All-Around In2O3 Nano-Ribbon Transistors with Ultra-High Drain Currents,” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, December 3-7, 2022.
[12] D Zheng, A Charnas, J Anderson, H Dou, Z Hu, Z Lin, Z Zhang, J Zhang, P. Y. Liao, M Si, H. Wang, D Weinstein and P. D. Ye, “First Demonstration of BEOL-Compatible Ultrathin Atomic-Layer-Deposited InZnO Transistors with GHz Operation and Record High Bias-Stress Stability,” IEEE International Electron Devices Meeting, December 3-7, 2022.
[13] J Zhang, Z Zhang, D Zheng, A Charnas, Z Lin, and P. D. Ye, “BEOL-Compatible Atomic-Layer-Deposited In-rich InGaO TFTs with High Positive-Gate-Bias-Stress Stability,” IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, December 7-10, 2022.
[14] J Zhang, A Charnas, Z Lin, D Zheng, Z Zhang, P Liao, and P. D. Ye, “Low-Temperature CF4/N2O Plasma Treated In2O3 Thin Film Transistors with Excellent Bias Stability,” IEEE Semiconductor Interface Specialists Conference, December 7-10, 2022.
[15] J Zhang and Y Zeng, "High-performance TiO2 thin film transistors using TiO2 as both channel and dielectric," IEEE Device Research Conference, June 26-29,2022.
[16] J Zhang, H Zhao, T Zhama, Y Zeng “Effect of gallium incorporation on electrical and material characteristics of TiO2 films for high-permittivity dielectric application, Compound Semiconductor Week, June 1-3, 2022.
[17] J Zhang, G Lin, P Cui, Y Zeng, “Crystallinity engineering of stoichiometric TiO2: transition from insulator to semiconductor,” IEEE Device Research Conference, June 20-23,2021.
[18] J Zhang, P Cui, G Lin, Y Zeng, “High-performance Sub-2 Volts TiO2 thin film transistors enabled by ultrathin ZrO2 gate dielectrics,” IEEE Electron Device Technology and Manufacturing Conference, April 8-11,2021.
[19] J Zhang, M Jia, G Lin, P Cui, Y Zeng, “Ionic doping of TiO2 thin film transistors using superacid treatment,” Electronic Materials Conference, June 24-26, 2020 (Late News).
[20] J Zhang, G Lin, P Cui, Y Zeng, “High-performance ultrathin body TiO2 TFTs with record on/off current ratio and subthreshold swing,” IEEE Device Research Conference, June 23-26,2019.